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Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung (BPA) Shaping digitalization – Implementation strategy of the Federal Government Digitalisierung gestalten (englisch)

Titelbild von "Digitalisierung gestalten" englisch

Broschüre, 160 Seiten

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The digital transformation is fundamentally changing our way of life, the way we work and learn – at a very rapid pace. As the Federal Government, we intend to shape this transformation and to prepare our country for the future as best as possible. The central question is: how does the individual benefit from digitalization? And: how do we preserve and strengthen the values of our free democratic constitutional principles in the digital age? For this purpose, the Federal Government has developed important measures, which are summarized in this implementation strategy. The objective is to continue improving the quality of life for everyone in Germany, while while also leveraging economic and ecological opportunities and protecting the societal fabric.